XRP blockchain transactions can be imported via your public key into your Blockpit Wallet Integration.
The following XRP transactions are automatically imported:
All native transactions
All synced balances
Payment channels
In case of missing/incorrectly imported transactions or if your Synced Balance is displayed incompletely, you can help our support team to include them in our import spectrum (if technically possible).
Please provide us with all available information, as well as your public wallet address (public key) and the corresponding transaction hash from xrpscan via ticket.
> What is the difference between Synced/Manual Integrations and Synced/Calculated Balance?
Swaps (Trades)
Swaps refer to the exchange of one crypto asset for another. They are processed via decentralized exchanges (DEX) and are usually recognized automatically in the form of a Trade.
> My swap is recognized as unlabeled Deposit and Withdrawal?
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
Inflows and outflows of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are automatically imported into your XRP Integration in the form of unlabeled Deposit, unlabeled Withdrawal or Trade transactions.
Your NFT assets will be created completely dynamically through your Public Key.
The following NFT Transactions and dApps are supported:
Brokered Mode (Offers, Fees)
> How is the value of my NFTs determined?
Staking, Lending, Airdrop & Bounty Rewards
If your generated income is only imported as unlabeled Deposit, you can relabel these transactions to the appropriate transaction label (Staking, Interest, Airdrop or Bounty) as shown in the image below.
Tip: Free NFT mints can be edited to Airdrops. You can identify them by the transaction note "Fallback_Claim".
> What is the quickest way to change the label of multiplate transactions?
> How and when do I create a manual staking integration?
How do I solve problems with my XRP Integration?
Blockpit shows different Tips (indicators) in the Dashboard and your Transactions list depending on the type of problem you are facing. The following procedure can help you to solve these problems.
Please always synchronize all your integrations first using “Synce All” (Dashboard) and then start a calculation of your transaction data using “Recalculate ” (Transactions) before you analyze Tips or the performance values of your portfolio.
Product updates provided by Blockpit have no direct effect on existing transaction data in your Integration (precautionary measure to avoid changing existing transaction histories through automatic product updates), so creating a new Integration could bring it up to date and solve your problem (Tips) already.
1. Create a new Integration
Temporarily create a second Integration to be able to compare the new and old Integration. Then delete the Integration that you do not want to keep.
> How to create, sync, edit, convert, group, delete and deactivate Integrations?
Alternatively, it is possible to re-synchronize missing or incorrectly imported transactions. In order not to damage existing transaction histories and to avoid new duplicate transactions, we recommend the following article:
> How can to synchronize integrations or re-synchronize missing/incorrectly imported transactions?2. Label or merge Unlabeled Transactions
Unlabeled transactions can be subsequently categorized with a corresponding label, edited or merged into Trades or Transfers by selecting related transaction pairs. It is also possible to change the labels of multiple similar transactions collectively (bulk edit).
> Basics on Labeling and Merging of Transactions
3. Manually edit, exclude or delete transactions
If you should still see Tips, it is possible that these were caused by incorrect transactions or transactions that were imported twice. These transactions can be edited as follows.
> Transaction Details Overview and Managing & Editing of Transactions
> How to create a Trade or Transfer when only one side of the transaction exists?
> How to replicate Liquidity Mining/Providing transactions manually (DeFi)?
4. Add new transactions
If transactions have not been fully imported, you can add them individually or upload them directly to your integration using the Blockpit XLS Template.
> How to import my CSV/Excel history?
5. Continue to browse Troubleshooting category