Basics on Labeling and Merging of Transactions

What are Labels and their basis?

Labels are used to classify Transactions and thus optimize your Tax Report.

Our Label System is built on the two Transaction Base-Types "Unlabeled Deposit" (Incoming) and "Unlabeled Withdrawal" (Outgoing). As shown in the table, these can occur either solo or in related form and must be labeled with the appropriate Label:



Incoming + Outgoing
Airdrop Payment Transfer
Bounty Fee Trade
Staking Derivative Loss Token Migration
Interest Derivative Fee  
Gift (incoming) Gift (outgoing)  
Derivative Profit Lost  
Mining Non-Taxable  
Masternode Auto-Balancing  
Hard Fork    
Security Token Income    

> Here you can find a list and description of all Labels


How does automatic Labeling and Merging of Transactions work?

Exchange and Wallet Integrations identify many Labels such as Trade, Transfer, Staking, Interest, Airdrop and many more in most cases fully automatically.

Such transactions imported via API or public key look like this in your transaction list:

The Label "Transfer" is used to transfer your acquisition costs from one integration to another. In most cases related Deposits (Incoming) and Withdrawal (Outgoing) Transactions between two Integrations are automatically detected and labeled as "Transfer" (merged).

> More information about Automatic & Manual Merging to Label "Transfer"

Also most of your usual Trades will be automatically detected and labeled.

In some cases, however, no unique Label can be assigned to your transactions. Such transactions are displayed as Unlabeled Incoming (Deposit) or Unlabeled Outgoing (Withdrawal). These appear with the same name in your transaction list and can be found and manually labeled using the Filter Options as explained below.


How does manual Labeling and Merging of Transactions work?

If the Label of a Transaction has not been detected automatically, it can be applied manually.

Deposits and Withdrawals Transactions that have not yet been labeled are always marked as "Unlabeled" and can be found specifically using the Filter "Tips: Unlabeled Incoming/Outgoing" as shown in the image below.

Filter Option Tip.png

If you search for "Unlabeled" we recommend using the filter "Asset Type" as well.

> How to use Filter Options?


Changing Labels of a single Incoming or Outgoing Transaction

Labels of a single Incoming or Outgoing Transactions like Unlabeled Deposit, Unlabeled Withdrawal, Airdrop, Staking etc. can be changed in the Transaction list via a quick selection.

  1. Clicks on the existing Label of your Transaction in the Transaction list.


  2. In the menu that is now visible, select the corresponding new Label.


Use the Bulk Editing Function for Labeling of multiple Transactions.
Simply select multiple Transactions, choose the corresponding Label in the action bar and click "Relabel".



Changing Labels of a related Incoming and Outgoing Transaction

Labels of related Incoming and Outgoing Transactions can be changed either by Merging TWO existing Transactions or by Editing ONE existing Transaction.


Merging (action bar)

How to manually merge to Label "Trade", "Transfer" or "Token Migration"?

  1. Mark both existing counterparts to be merged to a Trade, Transfer or Token Migration.



  2. Then select either Trade, Transfer or Token Migration and click on "Merge" in the bottom action bar.

  3. This way, two Transactions become one Transaction with the Label Trade, Transfer or Token Migration.

Merging is possible within an Integration as well as across Integrations.

Trades and Transfer can also be separated via "Split Transaction" as shown in the animation above.

Use the Filter “View = Auto-Merged” to find transactions which were automatically merged to “Transfer”
and the Filter “View = Merged” to find transactions which were manually merged to “Transfer” or “Trade”.

Manual merging to Label "Trade" can be helpful, especially in Wallet integrations, if your Trade was not detected automatically. To do this, select both Transactions and choose "Trade" followed by "Merge" to perform the action.

The Label "Transfer" is usually applied between two integrations, but in case of a chargeback (failed transaction) it can also be used within one integration.


Editing (sidebar)

How to create a Trade or Transfer when only one side of the transaction exists?

  1. On the corresponding solo Transaction, navigate to the three dots on the right and then click Edit.

  2. Now an extended Editing Dialog (sidebar) opens. Click on the existing Transaction Label in the sidebar and select Trade, Transfer or Token Migration.


  3. Then enter the corresponding counterpart integration and add further details if necessary, and click on Save.

    Tip: If your integration is not yet selectable, you have to create it first.

  4. So you can also change Transaction Labels this way by editing a single Incoming or Outgoing Transaction, and even extend these to Trade, Transfer or Token Migration as shown in the image below.

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