Already registered? Now you can start setting up your Blockpit account and track your portfolio and transactions for free!
The Help Center assists you in importing your transaction history into specific integrations in the best possible way. If you have questions that cannot be answered by our help center articles, you can always contact our support team.
Step 1: Create your Integrations
- Click in the top menu on +Integration.
- Now choose between the adequate Integration Types Exchange, Wallet and Blockchain and Manual Integrations.
Repeat this step until you imported all your Integrations.
What are the differences between the individual integrations?
Next, follow the further instructions for the corresponding integration types:
Exchange Integration
If you want to import data from a supported Exchange:
- Select “Exchange” if you want to import data using an API connection.
Then click on the desired Exchange in the list.
- To import data you will need the API key and secret or in special cases CSV files from your Exchange. We have an article for each exchange with detailed instructions.
- Name your new integration.
- Copy API key and secret into the input fields.
Keep “Full History” as the default start date. Selecting a specific start date only makes sense if you want to add transactions that are before the start date manually.
- Finally, click “Continue”.
Blockchain / Wallet Integration
If you want to import data from a supported Blockchain or Wallet:
- Select “Blockchain” or “Wallet” if you want to import data via public key.
Then click on the appropriate Blockchain or Wallet in the list.
- Enter an integration name as well as your public wallet address (public key).
Keep “Fist Transaction” (Full History) as the default start date. Selecting a specific start date only makes sense if you want to add transactions that are before the start date manually.
- Finally, click “Continue”.
Manual Integration
If you want to import data from not yet supported Exchanges, Blockchains or Wallets:
Type "Manual" into the search bar and select Manual Integration if you want to import data one by one manually or using our Blockpit Excel Template.
Selection of manual integration not yet possible?
Please create a blockchain/wallet or exchange integration as your first integration, as Manual Integrations can only be selected at a later stage. - Name your new integration.
- Finally, click “Continue”.
- Now you can add transactions to the account manually or by using our Blockpit Excel Template.
All created Integrations can then be viewed in your Blockpit Dashboard:
> The Blockpit Dashboard in full detail (Portfolio Values, Holdings, Integrations, NFT Gallery)
Step 2: Automatic Labeling & Merging of Transactions
Basics on Labeling and Merging of Transactions
Labels are used to classify transactions.
Exchange and Wallet Integrations already recognize many Labels such as Trades, Transfers, Staking, Interest, Airdrops and many others fully automatically.
In some cases, however, no unique Label can be assigned to your transaction. Such transactions are displayed as Unlabeled Incoming (Deposit) or Unlabeled Outgoing (Withdrawal) and appear with the same name in your transaction list.
> Here you can find more help and explainations on the basics of Labeling and Merging
Step 3: Report & Tax Optimization
A correct calculation of your profits and losses and even your dashboard performance values are based on a complete transaction history.
Tips help you to identify possible weak points in your transaction history. They can be caused by missing integrations or missing labels, for example, and should always be taken care of to the best of your knowledge.
> Here you can find a description of all Tips
Please always synchronize all your integrations first using “Synce All” (Dashboard) and then start a calculation of your transaction data using “Recalculate ” (Transactions) before you analyze Tips or the performance values of your portfolio.
Use the Filter: Tip on the transaction page to search for specific Tips such as "Unlabeled Incoming/Outgoing".
Congratulations! You have set up Blockpit and can track your assets for free. On license purchase, you will also get access to your tax report.
With our Basic license you can also trade in a tax-optimized way to keep track of your realized and unrealized gains as well as holding periods of your assets, and benefit from the continuous development and new features of Blockpit.
In the other categories of our help center, you will also find a lot of useful information that can help you with the selection of your first licenses up to the completion of your tax return!