How to create a backup of all my transactions?
The download button for your transaction history can be found under the menu item Transactions. As you can see in the picture below, you can download a backup of your full transaction history.
The CSV export will follow your transaction filter options. For example, you can export a CSV for single tax years or specific labels.
Can the transaction export be used for proofs of funds?
Common proofs of funds are tax reports, screenshots of your exchange and wallet transactions, and if necessary a more detailed description of your transaction history.
The more evidence you can provide to your exchange, bank or tax authority, the better.
Just download the corresponding transaction histories in Blockpit and attach them as evidence. It is also recommended to submit the CSV or Excel format as a PDF document.
Note, however, that a correct evidence base is always a complete transaction history (no missing, duplicate or incorrect transactions). A good indicator for this is a transaction list without displayed Tips.
What data is included in the exported CSV file?
The CSV file contains all transactions of the selected tax year.
The transaction export is not directly comparable to the CSV/Excel import, which is available for uploading data to a Blockpit integration.
Individual columns such as Timestamp, Integration, Transaction Type, Outgoing Asset, Outgoing Amount, Incoming Asset, Incoming Amount, Fee asset, Fee amount, Transaction ID and Note can be used specifically for the upload via CSV/Excel import though.
Transactions that have been manually excluded from the tax report, as shown in the image below, will not be exported.
The following transaction details are provided via the export:
Blockpit ID: Unique Blockpit transaction ID.
Timestamp: Individual transactions timestamp (UTC).
Source Type: Describes the type of integration (exchange, blockchain; manual, csv).
Source Name: Describes the Blockpit integration name.
Integration: Self entered name of your integration.
Transaction Type: Label/Type of your transaction.
Outgoing Asset: Short name of the outgoing asset (ticker).
Outgoing Amount: Total amount of the outgoing asset.
Incoming Asset: Short name of the incoming asset (ticker).
Incoming Amount: Total amount of the incoming asset.
Fee Asset: Short name of the outgoing fee asset (ticker).
Fee Amount: Total amount of the outgoing fee asset.
Transaction ID: Blockchain or exchange Transaction ID if available, or self entered transaction ID.
Note: Transaction Note.
Merge ID: Enables tracing of merged/linked transactions by ID. Merged transactions will be displayed as Deposit and Withdrawal with an equal Merge ID.
Merge Type: Automatic or manually merged.
Example of exported transaction list (XLS):
Simplified matching with the transaction history of your exchange or wallet:
If your transaction history shows "missing History" Tips, the transaction export can help you to compare your transaction history. For this purpose, it is best to filter by the affected integration and asset. You can read more about this in this article.