Transactions from trading futures or other contracts are typically imported directly via API. However, depending on the exchange used, there may be limitations that restrict data availability over time, making it impossible to import your own trading history via API.
All such limitations are documented as best as possible in the corresponding Blockpit guidelines.
The availability of data from simple spot market trades or transfers between exchanges or wallets can also be limited. However, these are usually easier to import manually than Derivative P&L (PnL) from futures or contract trading.
In such cases, data or transactions must be subsequently imported individually, manually or collectively into the corresponding Blockpit integration using the Blockpit XLS template.
What is a Derivative P&L?
Derivatives are traded in futures and contract trading. The trading history, i.e. your own transactions, is presented in the form of a so-called P&L (profit and loss). More precisely, the so-called Closed P&L and the Fees are imported in Blockpit.
The Closed P&L is only issued when a position has been closed.
The actual transactions to be imported into Blockpit can vary greatly depending on the exchange used.
Basically, the following scheme is used:
- Opening Fee incurred when opening the position (Derivative Fee)
- Funding fee or bonus, which is incurred on an ongoing basis and can be either positive or negative (Derivative Fee or Derivative Profit)
- Closed P&L, i.e. profit or loss incurred when closing the position - may already include all fees (Derivative Profit or Derivative Loss)
- Closing Fee incurred when closing the position - sometimes already included in the Closed P&L (Derivative Fee)
Blockpit provides the Labels Derivative Profit/Loss/Fee for the corresponding transactions.
Where can I download the missing data?
Most exchanges allow you to download the entire transaction history of all available products as a CSV or XLS file. We recommend downloading these histories as a backup at least every 3 months, as even the availability of these may be limited.
Example: Migration of Bybit CSV Data in die Blockpit XLS Template
Please note that multiple uploads of the same Blockpit XLS file will result in duplicates, which is why existing/imported transactions should be deleted from the XLS file before uploading. We therefore recommend working with multiple files. A corresponding function for recognizing duplicates is planned.