How can to synchronize integrations or re-synchronize missing/incorrectly imported transactions?

Synchronization of Integrations (Sync now)

Synchronization starting from the last existing transaction in your integration

In Exchange, Blockchain and Wallet integrations, transactions can be synchronized automatically as well as manually. This is the standard form of synchronization, which enables the continuous import of new transactions. The starting point of such a synchronization is always the timestamp of the last existing transaction in your integration.

Automatic synchronization of integrations (once a day) is only available to users with Pro and Unlimited licenses for the current year.


The synchronization of existing integrations can be triggered manually in bulk, as well as for individual integrations directly in the Dashboard:

Sync All Integrations.png

Sync Single Integrations.png


Re-Synchronization of Blockchain Integrations (Sync Missing Transactions)

Synchronizes all missing transactions from 0 (start date of your integration)

This is the advanced form of synchronization that allows transactions to be imported retroactively OVER the entire import time span or from the actual start date of your integration.

The re-synchronization of transactions is possible in the Dashboard for Blockchain, Wallet and Exchange Integrations. As illustrated in the following image, it can only be triggered manually.

Sync Missing Transactions.png


Why or when to re-synchronize?

he synchronization of transactions is based on the recognition of unique Transaction IDs (e.g.: transaction hashes - visible in the Advanced Transaction Details).

The re-synchronization of integrations can be used:

  • To import deleted transactions.
  • To import missing transactions.
  • To import incorrectly imported transactions after they have been deleted.


Re-synchroniztion of deleted & missing transactions

When re-synchronizing, all previously deleted transactions will be imported again! Missing transactions can therefore also be re-synchronized or imported retroactivly, provided they are actually included in the import spectrum of your integration.


update reset exclude delete EN.png

Once your re-synchronized is finished you can sort by "Newest imported" in your Transaction list to see all recently imported transactions.



Re-synchronization or correction of faulty transactions

Before an existing transaction can be re-imported by via a re-synchronization of your integration, it must first be deleted from the transaction list.

Excluded transaction do not count as a deleted. Scam transactions should therefore be excluded rather than deleted.

Transactions Duplicates

Please also note that the re-synchronization of your integration may result in transaction duplicates if these transactions have already been created manually as placeholders in beforehand. Therefore, check exactly which transactions have already been added manually before you carry out the re-synchronization.


Start date of a re-synchronization

Re-synchronization always starts from the start date that was entered when the integration was created or from the first available transaction (Complete History).

Import Time Span.png

Integrations can be edited retroactively to set the import start date of your integration so that already existing correct histories from previous years will not be influenced.

When should I change the import start date of my integration retroactively?

You can edit the import start date of your integration retroactively to ensure that tax reports that previously submitted tax reports and the associated transaction histories remain unchanged.

Example: Re-synchronization starting from 01.01.2024

Integration Start Date.png


> How to create, edit, convert, group, delete and deactivate Integrations?

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